It’s Time to Build Stable, Supportive Housing in Massachusetts
In Commonwealth Magazine COVID-19 HAS LAID bare the inadequacy of a safety net system here in Massachusetts, from workforce shortages to the lack of a viable public health response for adults, youth, and families experiencing homelessness on a day-to-day basis. The pandemic has pushed our statewide response system to the limit — further straining the state’s critical services and supports that keep low-income households stable. Many people are stretched thin and need help. Now is the time for the Massachusetts Legislature to take coordinated, comprehensive action to ensure that these resources are deployed effectively and equitably. By transforming our approach to homelessness, we can move from a crisis response to investing in vulnerable adults, families, and youth for more stable lives. And that’s exactly what House Bill 3838 does. An Act to create and implement a Massachusetts flexible housing subsidy pool program to address the medically complex needs of . . . Read More