(BOSTON) – State Representative Joan Meschino (D-Hull) has continued to pursue a robust legislative agenda following her successes after February’s Joint Rule 10 deadline, at which time most Joint Committees must issue their recommendations for the next steps of bills under their review.

Six bills filed by Representative Meschino received favorable reports and will move forward in the legislative process. Highlighting these successes is the Joint Committee on Housing’s second favorable report of H.1354, An Act to create and implement a Massachusetts flexible supportive housing subsidy pool program. This legislation will braid public and private funding to meet the needs of homeless individuals, families, and unaccompanied youth across the continuum of care.

Under her leadership on climate and environmental policy, Representative Meschino filed An Act relative to maintaining adequate water supplies through effective drought management (H.861) which received a favorable report from the Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. This bill would empower the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs to be responsive to drought conditions, in part by establishing a Drought Management Task Force within the agency.

Two of the Representative’s priority bills on democratic reform were reported favorably by the Committee on Election Laws. An Act supporting parents running for office (H.669) would revise campaign finance laws to cover child care expenses, enabling a more diverse pool of candidates to run for office. An Act relative to youth voter engagement (H.705) allows pre-registered 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections if they turn 18 by the respective general election.

An Act to modernize funding for community media programming (H.4631) was reported favorably as revised by the Joint Committee on Advanced Information Technology, Internet, and Cybersecurity. It seeks to assess a fee upon streaming service providers for the upkeep of community media centers.

The Committee on Labor and Workforce Development provided a favorable report on An Act relative to non-fault unemployment insurance overpayments (H.1922) which removes liability from residents who received overpayments for unemployment claims at the fault of the government.

An Act relative to condominiums (H.2892), which would close a loophole that exempts from assessment land slated to be developed into condominiums, received a favorable report from the Joint Committee on Revenue.

Some of the Representative’s priority bills remain on extension orders, allowing the Joint Committees more time to review bills further before issuing their report. These include An Act minimizing trauma to court-involved children and families (H.204) which comprehensively combines reforms to raise the standard for child removal, mitigating harm to vulnerable children.

The Representative filed numerous bills in energy and environmental policy. In extension remains An Act supporting solar energy deployment in the Commonwealth (H.3967) which provides clearer guidance and motivation for rapid development of solar energy infrastructure.

“I am encouraged by the Joint Committees’ support of and interest in the legislation I have filed this session,” said Representative Meschino (D-Hull). “The bills that have been reported favorably and those that are still under review aim to advance equity, uplift communities, and pursue environmental justice. I look forward to continued partnerships with advocates as we engage in further work to advance these bills.”

To find information on the current status of Representative Meschino’s entire legislative agenda, visit malegislature.gov.