Rep. Meschino joins staff from Sunset Point Camp and Catholic Charities of Boston in Hull

Rep. Meschino joins staff from Sunset Point Camp and Catholic Charities of Boston in Hull

(BOSTON) –  On Tuesday, July 9th, State Representative Joan Meschino (D-Hull) visited Sunset Point Camp in Hull. Originally opened in 1919, the summer camp is run by Catholic Charities of Boston and offers day programs for families in the South Shore as well as overnight programs for those on the South Shore and in Greater Boston. Representative Meschino was accompanied by staff from the camp as well as members of Catholic Charities of Boston including Kelley Tuthill, President and CEO of the organization.

“Walking across the lawn to the camp in the morning, the first signs of the campers were ripples of laughter echoing out from the dining hall,” said Representative Meschino (D-Hull). “It was a pleasure to experience first-hand the programming that Sunset Point Camp offers to children in the South Shore and Greater Boston who might not otherwise receive this type of support.”

“We are so grateful to Representative Meschino for recently visiting Catholic Charities’ Sunset Point Camp and for the generous community support,” shared Kelley Tuthill, President and CEO of Catholic Charities of Boston. “For more than 100 years, we’ve been proud to provide unforgettable summer camp experiences for youth from the Greater Boston and South Shore areas in the beautiful seaside community of Hull.”

Representative Meschino toured the facilities and witnessed the wide array of programs that the camp offers. Children gain leadership and sportsmanship skills through organized sports, foster creativity through arts and crafts, and spend time exploring the outdoors and building new friendships. Many students’ positive experiences motivate them to return as counselors. About half of the counselors are alumni while the rest are chosen from Hull and surrounding towns on the South Shore. In 2014, the camp built new bunkhouses and renovated many of its amenities. The highlight of the week for many of the children is “treasure night” where the camp is transformed into a carnival complete with arcade games which were donated from the former arcade in Hull, carnival music, and a popcorn machine.

“Through our site visit, I am reminded of the importance of these long-standing organizations in building a more connected community,” said Representative Meschino (D-Hull). “For a lot of these children, this week is the highlight of their summer. I look forward to the further success of this institution in the Hull community, and I thank the Sunset Point team for welcoming me and my staff this week.”

Sunset Point Camp started its programming this year on June 30th. They will continue weekly programs through August 9th. More information on Sunset Point Camp can be found on their website.