(BOSTON) – On New Year’s Day, Massachusetts legislators took the oath of office and ushered in the 194th legislative session. Like many of us, this is a reflective time of year for lawmakers, one in which they look back on the past session’s successes and look forward to the priorities for the coming one. State Representative Joan Meschino (D-Hull) had many forms of legislation passed in the 193rd session and has started planning for what’s to come.

“There is always a renewed sense of purpose and excitement this time of year. In December, we said goodbye to our dear colleagues who have left the legislature for other pursuits,” said Representative Meschino. “And in January, we welcome a new class of legislators dedicated to serving the Commonwealth for their constituents. I am honored to be re-elected and look forward to the upcoming session.”

In Review:

In the FY25 budget, Representative Meschino secured funding for three key groups in the Third Plymouth District:

  • The Hingham Unity Council received a programming grant of $35,000, which will go towards the programming budget for inclusion events in the community.
  • The Cohasset Center for Student Coastal Research received $40,000 for funding a micro-credentialing program for youth that will focus on coastal research and geospatial climate resilience.
  • The Anchor of Hull received a programming grant of $25,000, which will be used to boost the Anchor’s regular weekly programming and recovery meetings for those impacted by substance use disorder.

Along with Senator Patrick O’Connor (R-Weymouth), Representative Meschino secured the passage of the following home rule petitions benefiting the 3rd Plymouth District:

  • 2407, which removes the expiration date of the senior means-tested property tax exemption in Hingham. The program provides property tax relief to senior homeowners to help them continue to be able to afford living in Hingham.
  • 4037, which transfers certain parcels of land in the town of Cohasset for general municipal purposes and for telecommunications leases and easements.
  • 4099, which provides a lease extension for three Hull businesses (Jake’s, Mezzo Mare, and Steamboat Wharf Marina) to promote economic development and the more effective use of town property.

A form of supportive housing, a priority bill originally filed by Representative Meschino, was included in H.4707, An Act relative to the Affordable Homes Act. The bill provides a flexible package of funding to support the creation of affordable housing in Massachusetts. The bill also includes a measure championed by Representative Meschino which ensures that money spent in the bill is consistent with our state’s climate goals. This legislation is a response to the constituent outreach from across the 3rd Plymouth District advocating for affordability in the housing space.

Representative Meschino’s bill (H.669) allowing individuals who are running for office to use campaign funds for child care was included in the economic development bond bill (H.5100). The bill, which has been in the works for eight years, puts Massachusetts in the company of 36 other states and DC in adopting this common sense measure. The bill helps break down economic barriers to holding public office and open the door for a more diverse legislative body. For the first time, this year’s Plymouth County House of Representatives Delegation is majority women.

The Representative’s amendment regarding EV school bus procurement was included in the climate bill (S.2967). This legislation establishes a phased standard for when public motor vehicles serving public purposes must be electric. It incentivises the purchase of zero emission vehicles, assisting the Commonwealth on the path to achieve the emission goals laid out in the Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2050.

Multiple of Rep. Meschino’s bills received favorable reports from their committees, an important signal that the bill is well-vetted and has support. The following bills received favorable reports:

  • (861) An Act relative to maintaining adequate water supplies through effective drought management.
  • (4631) An Act to modernize funding for community media programming.
  • (705) An Act relative to youth voter engagement.
  • (2892) An Act relative to condominiums.
  • (1162) An Act relative to non-fault unemployment insurance overpayments

Looking Forward:

Representative Meschino is looking forward to continuing the progress from the 193rd legislative session. Representing a coastal district on the front lines of climate change, climate legislation will continue to be one of Representative Meschino’s top priorities, including a focus on protecting our natural and working lands (HD.2377), offering resources for building decarbonization (HD.2154), implementing effective drought management strategies (HD.1423), and empowering innovative climate finance (HD.3216).

Rep. Meschino will continue to prioritize funding for community media centers (HD.326), a crucial piece in the fabric of local communities. This funding is key to many of the news sources that our communities rely on for up-to-date local news. She will also refile a bill aiming to eliminate disparate impact (HD.3194) and provide access to the courts for individuals negatively impacted by government programs.

New to this session is a bill from Representative Meschino to protect affordable housing in the 3rd Plymouth District and across the Commonwealth (HD.2734).

Finally, the Representative will continue to champion ferry service and double track rail to connect the district with the many economic and cultural opportunities in the Greater Boston Area.

Each legislative session brings with it new challenges and opportunities. Representative Meschino is excited for all that is to come.

State Representative Joan Meschino represents the communities of Hingham, Hull, and Cohasset. Representative Meschino and her Legislative Aides can be reached at the State House at 617-722-2092 or by email at Joan.Meschino@MAHouse.gov. To learn more about Rep. Meschino’s constituent services and legislative work, please visit www.JoanMeschino.com.
